Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Farming with the Phases of the Moon

Perhaps you have heard of a technique that involves scheduling your gardening activities around the moon phases. There is even a cool calendar available called Gardening By the Moon that offers some simple instruction for daily, weekly and monthly activities that ought to occur all season long in case this is a method of planting you would like to follow.

Some variables in this system include the New Moon, the Second and Third Quarter Moon, and the Full Moon. Then there are the astrological signs associated with these particular moon phases. Depending on how the chart works itself out, it may be a window of opportunity to plant leafy and flowering type plants, or maybe just root vegetables, or perhaps it is a poor time to plant at all only only a good time to cultivate and maintain what is already in the ground.

Tierra Vegetables optimally attempts to coordinate their planting and seeding schedules along with the moon phases. As farmers are used to adjusting their activities and lives around the environment in general it seems this schedule might not be too tough to follow. Things happen though and often priorities arise that conflict with the moon phases suggestions for optimal planting times. This is what happened last week.

It was prime time to plant the root veggies recently. But what about all that saturated soil from the late rains? One cannot move in and start trying to plant tiny seeds in muddy soil, even if it is the perfect moment in May with temperatures ideal for germination....the soil must dry out first.

We did get in the roots just in time yesterday. Carrots, beets, bunching onions, shallots, parsnips, and parsley root (I'm looking forward to this one) are all in the ground now and hopefully with all the proper conditions for optimal growth including soil and moon phase considerations.

Much more planting is on it's way...this is a great time to come out and walk the farm when the farm stand is open to see the start of the season come together. Harvest season is one thing, but early spring and summer are quite beautiful with all of the green growth there is to see.

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