Friday, June 19, 2009


I'm starting a new research project. During the winter it was dry beans. Now as I prepare for a fresh upcoming chile season, I'm applying my brief experience with the farm so far to create some interpretation for customers into all of this chile diversity that is going on both in the dried storage season and in the fresh harvest season. As I work my way through the extensive list of chile varieties using my chile library that is comprised primarily of books by the author Dave Dewitt (if you want to seek out your own info) I will share my rough drafts for your learning pleasure here.


The name Pasilla comes from the Spanish word pasa, meaning raisin. Specifically, Pasilla translates to little raisin. This is a result of the physical brown and wrinkled appearence of this chile when dried.

Other Names: Chilaca, or Chile Chilaca refers to the fresh form of this chile. It may also be referred to as chile negro on the west coast of Mexico. Often Pasillas are confused with Anchos and Mulatos in our commercial produce industry.

Uses: Pasillas are mostly used in dried form, often as an ingredient of mole sauces or adobos. It is described as a component of the “holy trinity” of chiles used for traditional mole sauces, along with Ancho and Mulato chiles. This unique chile has a gentle flavor that is mostly used in dried pod or powder form. Make your own mole, or try ours!

Heat: Mild to medium spice.

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