The Shishito is another heated, small frying pepper. It has thin walled flesh, is sweet and hot and is popular in Japan. Also popular now with chefs nationwide in the U.S., this small fryer is found on many restaurant menus and enjoyed at home as they become available.
Uses: Quite popular now in our modern culinary culture, Shishito peppers may be fried and blistered, grilled, prepared as a tempura, etc... These peppers have the perfect medium heat where the Spanish Padron frying pepper may be too spicy at times for some (myself included).
Heat: Individual peppers may vary from mild to hot.
An employee's perspective to the farm from seed to fork and sowing seeds to sales. My role working to support Lee, Wayne, and Evie provokes questions, inspirations, ideas, flavors, sights and educational opportunities regarding local food production on the most diversified scale. This blog reports and features the magic of year round farming and food production in Sonoma County.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dry Bean Harvest 2009 Begins

The Montezuma Red bean is just the first of many dry shell beans to come. All of these bean varieties make a diverse and colorful addition to the winter selection around Tierra Vegetables.
A great red bean, this is our field manager, Pablo's, favorite. Give it a try if you haven't already. We still have a few of these from the 2008 harvest that likely occurred this time last year. Just look inside the bean pots when you enter the farm stand to the right.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Yellow Cylindrical Beet

According to the sign it was just a mere three months ago that Wayne and I were out seeding this uncommon root vegetable. Ah how the time flies...the more I do this growing thing the time from seeding to harvest seems to fly by, kinda like human years going by faster each year. While no one, but myself, is harvesting this novelty vegetable quite yet, I think it is time. Keep your eye out for it soon, I put in a vote to bring some out of the fields.

What are we waiting for? This is a root that can get huge and Lee wants it to have the time to fully mature. Giant roots and other vegetables at Tierra Vegetables are always quite impressive. Hopefully soon you will find some giant yellow beet roots and find time to mix them into your meals amongst all the grand array of summer veggies that are harvesting right now.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Inferno Hungarian Hot Wax Chile
Inferno/Hot Spot
The Inferno is a type of Hungarian Hot Wax (wax means yellow color) chile and starts off yellow to lime green and once picked turns orange and finally a rich red. Deceptively hot, this 7 inch long chili has a distinct, fruity sweet pepper taste with an after burn.
A main ingredient for our chipotle products, excess inferno chiles are grown, harvested, chopped, smoked and dried throughout the harvest season to create flavorful chipotles, chipotle powder and our popular Panonia chile jam that is made up entirely of Hungarian chiles.
Uses: It is unique and wonderful according to an addicted farm stand customer who uses it to flavor and spice up her bean dishes throughout the season and using those she has stored for the winter in her freezer.
Heat: Very Hot! Castrate (remove seeds and membrane) to make heat level more palatable.
Growing Peanuts
One must trudge all the way to the back of the field, 17 acres long, where it seems like there is nothing more to see before you have you will find a small stand of peanuts growing.

If you are interested in the growing aspects of plants and food production, this is a worthwhile trek to see a less commonly selected garden vegetable/nut/snack? As Wayne explained it upon my return from the back of the field yesterday and as my Google research confirms, the growing habit of this plant is quite unique and at an interesting time right now within that process.
The peanut plant is now flowering above ground. Very vibrant little yellow pea/legume flowers are decorating the above ground foliage....soon these flowers will disappear though. Below ground is where the fruit/nut develops. Soon these flowers will disappear beneath the soil surface to complete their next phase of reproduction. Eventually, after their long and hot season is completed, edible nuts will be pulled up from underground.

If you are interested in the growing aspects of plants and food production, this is a worthwhile trek to see a less commonly selected garden vegetable/nut/snack? As Wayne explained it upon my return from the back of the field yesterday and as my Google research confirms, the growing habit of this plant is quite unique and at an interesting time right now within that process.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Seasonal Produce: STRAWBERRIES and Striped Romas

A perfect strawberry. There are many of these right now. I highly recommend them. I know most of you already know how good these berries are, but as someone who has access to various sources of berries in my little internal farming world, I can assure you, these strawberries are the best! And right now there are lots. If you want to preserve, the time is now. Let Evie make you a deal. In my opinion, it is best to get much more than a basket. This is easily rationalized. If you have children, the basket will not make it out of the parking lot. Two baskets might make it home. If you get a small box, there could be some for now and a few for later. Just realize....the more you go away with the more each member of the family has a chance to be a strawberry glutton for the seasonal moments that this activity is available.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Castor Bean

This is a Castor Bean plant, the basis of castor oil products. It is also very interesting to look at. The first time I wandered around the Tierra fields to take a tour of my vegetables I saw an entire crop of these monstrously large plants that look something like cotton or okra to a food grower like myself. I was warned that they were poisonous and hence kept my distance. Their intended purpose was to combat gophers and other ground dwelling mammals from eating such valuable roots and tubers like carrots, potatoes, etc...

While once grown intentionally to use as a potential pest deterrant, the plant has since been proven useless when Tierra attempted to grow sweet potatoes one season, castor beans inter-mixed with the tuber-setting vines. The crop was demolished, despite the integrated pest management effot.

These days, the castor bean has reached weed status on the farm, or a volunteer plant in a more optimistic perspective. Apparently they re-seed themselves quite readily. You may observe one in the Ancho/Poblano region of the chiles and right out front in the basil. I'm responsible for the one in the basil to some extent. When out weeding these beds earlier in the summer, I weeded one away (the definition of weed equals only plants that are out of place, undesireable in a particular location no matter what they may be) at Wayne's request, but then a few minutes later Lee came along and asked me to leave one. I listened to them both, followed instructions and here is the result. It is true they do crowd out and dominate other surrounding plants, but they are also quite striking and unique to look at.
I hope that answers questions for a few of you. Look, but don't touch or taste. The plants are quite toxic occording to all literature I'm able to pull up.

Friday, August 7, 2009
The Gypsy Sweet Pepper

Be Warned! Excessive consumption of gypsy peppers in the presence of friends, family, music or fun may cause singing and wandering…
Uses: A wonderful all-purpose sweet pepper. Prized for it’s early yellow/green pepper flavor, the deep pinks and oranges of a fully ripened sweet Gypsy pepper, and is great for stuffing, grilling, and anything else imaginable. Consider storing some of these gems for the winter while you have the chance too, they freeze just fine. Best enjoyed in the company of loved ones, as described above.
Heat: Sweet.
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