Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In the Greenhouse-Seeding has begun

A brand new greenhouse has been under construction for the last few months now, upgrading the capabilities and efficiencies of the farm inevitably. With seeding time suddenly upon us, the greenhouse is still being built and equipped with it's heating and watering systems. All the same, seedling trays are moving in on any and all available space.

Your 2009 chiles, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuces, onions, herbs and more are on their way to infancy. Quantities are being calculated and recorded in order to serve all customer and market needs. Working with seeds is one of the greatest pleasures to a blossoming grower such as myself. I am lucky to learn and grow alongside Lee in the greenhouse this season. See below for some of the initial seedling sights of the new season.

Tomatoes are dancing to life in their new home that includes optimal light, soil, water and temperature needs in order to thrive.
These tiny onion sprouts are planted with the intention of serving your fall onion needs. Onion sprouts send up a single shoot, like a blade of grass. People in the plant world call these monocots.
Baby broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower supplies the greenhouse with it's first flush of green growth.
Seeding indoors is a labor of endurance and detail. I'd rather be doing this than sitting in a cubicle any day. In this image Lee carefully places a few seeds in each of these cells in order to ensure germination. Later, any excess seedlings will be thinned out and the strongest plant will be left to survive the length of the growing season.

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