'Tis the season to be enjoying celery root, or celeriac (however you prefer to refer to this flavorful root). As a component of the winter CSA box this week and a popular item at the Ferry Plaza market the last few weeks, many Tierra customers have had the chance to enjoy this ingrediant already this season. Don't stop there! It is celeriac season and we are lucky to have such unique and flavorful ingrediants coming out of the ground fresh and local during the depths of winter. Celeriac is a very long season crop. This means that the seeds were planted almost a year ago in Lee's greenhouse and the plants have undergone care including watering, transplanting, weeding, taking up precious growing space in the fields for all these months leading up until now during their abundant harvest when much else has frozen away. It is foresight like this that keeps you supplied with year-round local veggies.
Here is a great article by NPR for additional information and ideas about how to prepare celeriac.

This is my blog.Please read it!